Occupational Therapists work toward improving an individual's functional independence in life skills. Our care plans are developed by the patient and therapist to ensure the patients' goals are met and normal daily living activities can be resumed. Customized Care Plans will vary from patient to patient. These plans may include any combination of the following treatment services.
Discover the Real Benefits of Occupational Therapy
The goal in any hand therapy program is to help the patient return to a productive lifestyle. Working with a hand therapist allows patients to go beyond mere management of their condition by actively working toward a full and successful recovery. In most cases, this specialized form of occupational therapy allows individuals to resume normal function in their day-to-day activities.
Hand therapy focuses on a combination of patient education and training as well as adaptive recommendations and equipment. Patients benefit from learning about energy conservation and joint-protecting techniques. Using their years of experience, hand therapists can recommend a customized set of tools that may include simple exercises, stretches, and regimented activities to improve strength, flexibility, and overall function. Addressing pain, swelling, and wound care is another crucial component of successful treatment.